Sunday, Jun 19 -Sacred Moments: Our Interim Minister Reports on Where We Are AtRev. Peter Is this a sacred moment in the history of St Andrew's Church? Many might say "no" because times of vacancies are often slow times. But what if we adopted the perspective that this is indeed a sacred moment? Rev. Peter will explore this idea. This sermon will also be a major report on the state of the congregation given by Peter as our Interim Minister, and the preparations needed to lay the foundation for calling our next minister.
RefleXions on the most important way to turn death from ‘scared’ to ‘sacred’.If you get a commercial, click back and then forward again For more infomation visit:
For those of you who guessed that the only picture Rev. Peter did NOT take from all those shown during his sermon a couple of weeks ago was …
Our Work Continues
Weekly Meetings & Worship: June 19 - 26
Hello Hikers! Postponement may happen.
Looks like we’re not getting the weather we had hoped for on Saturday so we may have to postpone our hike. If you have RSVP’d to lucy_aburto@shaw.ca you’ll receive an email confirmation by Friday to confirm if the hike is still a go. ~ Lucy |
FAMILY FUN & DISCIPLESHIPMonday, July 25, 2022 Monday night July 25th the Faith Formation Team invites all Church School children and their families to join us in Trinity Hall as we share rice krispie treats, play some favourite games, and share of our abundance ~ with neighbors in need.We’ll have 3 opportunities to share: For more infomation visit: http://standrewscalgary.ca/events/family-fun-discipleship/2022-07-25
Come and celebrate with Lauren Cole!
As Lauren and Matthew prepare for a new chapter as husband and wife, ALL ladies of the congregation are invited to Lauren’s Bridal Shower:
We have news to share that fits all of the categories above!
Rev. Geoffrey has extended his contract with us and will be continuing to share his energy and enthusiasm, his care and concern, his laughter and his light with us at St. Andrew’s. We are grateful. We are thankful. We are blessed. |
Our faith family offers prayers for God’s peace and comfort to Debbie and Paul Draper, on the death of Debbie’s mom, Carol Anne Collett, in South Africa on June 11.
Roberta Stephen, mother of Cathy Stephen, died June 19 of last yearThis past Saturday, a celebration was held commemorating the life of Roberta Stephen. Click Here to read Roberta's obituary. For more infomation visit:
The Wider Community
Growing disciples who love like Jesus ~ by collecting bottle caps and plastic lids of any size and colour ~Please drop them into the clear bin at the back door of St. Andrew's before July 8 Our very own Fiona Swanson is AMAZING at connecting us with our communities. She lives in Haysboro and volunteers with the Haysboro Community Association. She has shared with us a few things that we might consider being a part of. Our congregation is going to collect bottle caps and plastic lids, but there is lots more you can help with.