Advent 4: Love - LESSONS AND CAROLSDecember 19, 2021 – 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service Until the late 1800s Christmas carols were used by singers visiting people's houses and were considered “secular.” Their introduction in worship was as a means of renewal and outreach. In 1918 King’s College, Cambridge held its first Festival of Lessons and Carols. For nearly 100 years it has been continuously publicly broadcast. The pattern and strength of the service, derives from the Scripture Lessons that outline the development of the loving purposes of God which reach a crescendo in the coming of Jesus. We hope you can join us this Sunday at 10am (in-person or on livestream) as our St. Andrew’s Choir-- under the leadership of Evan Mounce, Director of Music Ministries ~ leads us in singing the carols of Christmas, and as we hear afresh the Good News of Jesus Christ. For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/pages/live-streaming-worship
RefleXions on Dr. Geoffrey's Sunday message that "Finding Joy means Drinking from the Waters that will Never Run Out""Out of the Believer's Heart shall flow Rivers of Living Water" For more infomation visit:
Bible Buddies - Story Alive at 9
Would you like to see some familiar loving faces? Join Bible Buddies (Church School on Zoom) this Sunday, December 19th from 9:00 - 9:30 am. Your teachers and friends would LOVE to see you!!!! Please contact the office for the zoom link: office@standrewscalgary.ca For more infomation visit:
Our Work ContinuesWeekly Meetings & Worship: December 19 - 25 * denotes that ALL are invited to participate Sun, Dec 19 * Bible Buddies: 9:00 am (Zoom) For more infomation visit:
Come out, reunite with old friends, meet new friends and above all - have fun! Bring a friend if you wish.Grade Sixes are also invited to Youth Group DEC 17: 7:00 – 9:00 pm We will be joining other youth from the Presbytery for ONLINE YOUTH GROUP. (Come to the church, and we’ll join in as a ‘virtual group’.) Masks and Physical Distancing Required. For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/events/youth-group--496/2021-12-17
You can register to attend one of the Christmas Eve Services at the links below:Registration links are also available on the "Come Home for Christmas" Events Page Link to the Christmas Eve service at 4:00 pm Are you and your children yearning for connection with other STAC families? Are you missing that spirit of Christmas inspired by our church building and community this time of year? Link to the Christmas Eve service at 7:00 pm Link to the Christmas Eve service at 9:00 pm For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/events/come-home-for-christmas--505/2021-12-24
Did you know St. Andrew's has online content just for kids and families?We add a new story or message each week. You can revisit your favourite ones anytime, including past Story Alive videos. For more infomation visit:
Grateful, Thankful, Blessed!KEVIN, WE ARE SO GRATEFUL FOR YOUR MINISTRY! Every week you receive your LinX email that keeps you connected with your St. Andrew’s faith family. This is due in large part to the hours and Hours and HOURS that Kevin MacFarlane spends on preparing our weekly email. You’ve no doubt heard the phrase ‘it takes a village’. Kevin, truly ~ our village is so blessed to have your enthusiasm and energy that keeps us connected to St. Andrew’s and to each other. For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/pages/stac-linx-weekly-newsletters
Thanks to all the Greeters and Ushers who responded to our callWe are now looking for Scripture Reading Volunteers If anyone is interested in being a scripture reader, please contact Dolly Forcade to be put on the schedule. We would like the reading to be done in person. Training is provided. Currently we have one service at 10AM but when we go to 2 services (at some point) you will be able to choose which service you are scheduled for. |
Thank you everyone for your continued commitment to the Mission and Ministry of St. Andrew’s. We are blessed!As we head into year end, please note that the last date for donations to be credited to your 2021 donations receipt is December 31. With COVID, and the many options for donating to St. Andrew’s (PAR, Tithely, e-transfer, cheques) we did not order offering envelopes for 2021 and now for 2022. If you have envelopes left over from prior years (2015 on), you can use them – just change the date. If anyone would like envelopes, please contact the office and we will make up a packet for you with the number of envelopes you want for your preferred giving pattern. Over the next few weeks, there will be packets of 15 envelopes available in the foyer for pick up. You can write your envelope number and date on them as you use them. For more infomation visit:
The Wider Community
Afghan Refugee Families need our help!Afghan refugee families are being settled in Calgary and they are needing support. You can help in a couple of ways. 1) Donate household, furniture, baby and clothing items to any WIN (Women In Need) store in clearly marked boxes labeled HOUSE TO HOME PROGRAM AFGHAN REFUGEE PROGRAM. Families have referrals to go to WIN stores to get what they need for free. The Women in Need Society (WINS) is an award winning charity and Calgary based shopping alternative investing in the social wellbeing of community. 2) Donate $25 gift certificates for the Canadian Superstore as there is a constant need for immediate support in purchasing groceries. These will be distributed to families as needed. Please bring any gift certificates to St. Andrew’s Church Office identified for Afghan refugees. Please contact Lynn Judd if you have questions 403-278-5904. |
Let's show our Generosity to our Neighbourhood again this Christmas!Please identify Claire House donation in your email or on your cheque For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/offering-donate/pages/e-transfer-instructions
Donations may be made at Sunday's Dedication and Blessing of all the GiftsA special prayer will be offered to all those who received them The Free Little Mitten Trees have now been be set up by the bus stop in front of St. Andrew's and at the three train stations located south of Fish Creek (Fish Creek, Shawnessy, and Somerset Bridlewood). All are invited to take what they need and give what they can. The trees will be up throughout the month of December. You can place donation items on any of the trees, or bring donation items to the south door of the church. For more infomation visit:
Haysboro Parade of Lights - Saturday, December 18, 2021and... Fun & Games in support of Haysboro Playground - Thursday, December 16, 2021 For more infomation visit: http://standrewscalgary.ca/events/haysboro-parade-of-lights/2021-12-18