The Art of Neighbouring: When God Moves Into the Neighbourhood - Dr. Tim ArchibaldOctober 24, 2021 – 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service What is the goal of God creating the world?—What if God’s aim is to create a home for humanity to live with God? What if God’s aim is to move into the neighbourhood? How does that change the way we neighbour? What if God is closer to us than we think? Hope you can join us for Sunday Worship at 10am in-person or online. For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/pages/live-streaming-worship
"RefleXions" on the message from Dr. Tim's sermon about "Forgiveness"Forgiving for Christians should be like Breathing for Ordinary People For more infomation visit:
Our Work ContinuesWeekly Meetings & Worship Oct 24 - 31 * denotes that ALL are invited to participate Sun, Oct 24 * Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 am (Livestreamed & In-person) For more infomation visit:
The Stewards by Design Team wants you to join more than 50 people who have already reserved their place at the table for this year’s Season 2 virtual dinner
The team is looking for 100 donations of $100 (fully tax-deductable) to reach the goal of $10,000. But whatever amount you are able to donate will be greatly appreciated. You may donate by sending a cheque, making your donation online, or arranging an e-transfer through Dolly. There is an excellent line-up of entertainment being provided by members and friends of St Andrew’s that will be available on You Tube that evening for your dining pleasure — you won’t want to miss this! For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/events/an-even-better-dinner-that-you-never-had/2021-10-23
Immediately following the worship service - freewill offering
For more infomation visit:
Congregational Town Hall – Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye – we are hereby calling everyone to attend the Congregational Town Hall Meeting this fall! Please come to see familiar faces, to receive an update on crucial aspects of our ministry and to ask your questions. COVID has curtailed our congregational gatherings, and we are missing those opportunities to connect and engage with each other more directly. Yes, this will be on zoom, so a poor substitute for an in-person gathering, but we can still see and hear each other. Please join Dr. Tim, elders, our General Presbyter/Interim Moderator and team leaders on Nov 3. You will hear an update on ministry and fall priorities, as well as a report on our current financials and early thoughts on the 2022 budget from the Finance Team. Don’t miss this chance for an hour of connection with your fellow congregants. A zoom link will be circulated as we approach the date. |
Remembrance Day Observance – Sunday, November 7, 2021
A note of thanks from Rev Jan Hazlett passed onto us via the Clerk of Session
As Clerk of Session, could you pass on to the Session of St. Andrew’s, and to the congregation, my heart-felt gratitude. It was a privilege to walk with you all in ministry. John and I have been blessed to have had you walking with us for this time in our lives. Thank you all for the amazing send off, the opportunity to participate in worship, the preparations for the ‘going away party that couldn’t be’, the wonderful gifts, and the purse. I am humbled again by St. Andrew’s generosity! And for all you have passed on to me may God bless you, and make you a blessing. Jan Hazlett |
Thanks also from the Lomheim Family
Thank you for all the sympathy cards, calls and prayers we received after the loss of our family members. They have made us feel very cared for and supported.
Pat and Clarence Lomheim.
"Many hands make light work" ~ John Heywood
MANY, MANY thanks to the 15 pairs of hands who contributed a goodly portion of their Saturday morning on October 16 providing fall clean-up and maintenance around St. Andrew's. And special thanks to Flemming Nielsen for organizing this event. The Lord was kind in providing good working weather allowing spirits to stay high. This stalwart crew, 6 of whom regularly provide upkeep service through the Facilities Team, completed 14 out of 16 items on the work schedule!! Quite a feat - well done!! For more infomation visit:
Congratulations to Anne and Lou Greco who became first time grandparents last WednesdayLevi Greco was born to Aaron and Jenette Greco and all are doing well |
Remember our revised time of 10 am for our Sunday Worship Service!
The Wider Community
Go for a drive through Alberta and see the grain that has been grown and feeds us. Go to this link and see how the Canadian Foodgrains Bank GROWS HOPE and feeds the world. For more infomation visit: