Rediscovering Neighbouring - Dr. Tim ArchibaldSeptember 26, 2021 – 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service Jesus told the Parable of the Good Samaritan in response to the question, “Who is my neighbor?” But Jesus didn’t really answer that question. Instead he encourages us to ask, “What sort of neighbor am I?” What would happen if we all did get to know and love our neighbors?—I expect our city would be transformed. Hope you can join us this Sunday, when through the Parable of the Good Samaritan, we rediscover neighboring and Jesus’ challenge to love the people we encounter “on the road”—loving in a generous and sacrificial way. For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/pages/live-streaming-worship
To keep everyone who may enter St. Andrew's building as safe as possible, the re-opening task force has decided to adopt the Alberta Government Proof of Vaccine program:
BOOK STUDY OPPORTUNITIES: THE ART OF NEIGHBORINGHow many full names do you know of the people who live on your street, or the floor of your building? As part of our fall series on “neighboring,” there will be three opportunities to participate in an illuminating Book Study on becoming a good/better neighbor. We are grateful to our leaders for providing leadership ‘morning, (after)noon, and night’!
"RefleXions" on the message from Dr. Tim's sermon about Hospitality - a Christian TraditionDid you ever think of the stranger as being holy?—as being a gift-bearer? For more infomation visit:
Story Alive @ 9:15Children’s Activity Sheets and Link for September 26, 2021 For more infomation visit:
Our Work ContinuesWeekly Meetings & Worship Sept 26 - Oct 3 * denotes that ALL are invited to participate Sep 26 * Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30 am (Livestreamed) For more infomation visit:
Church School on Zoom – Starts Sunday Oct. 3
The Faith Formation Team is delighted to announce fall church school on Zoom that will commence on Sunday, Oct. 3 at 9 a.m. and will run on the first and third Sundays of the month through the fall. While not nearly the same as in-person church school, safety comes first, and we see this as the best option in the circumstances. Unlike simply watching a lesson online, church school on Zoom will enable the children to more personally interact with their friends and leaders. We contemplate a half hour together. We will start the half hour with all the children coming together briefly for greeting and will then facilitate breaking into two groups (loosely) based on age – children from age 3 up to Grade 2 in one group; and Grades 3-7 in another - for the story/video/discussion time. We would request that parents register in advance for each of the Sundays, so the leaders know how many and which children to expect. Please register children the week before each Sunday Church School zoom, by sending an email to the church office at: office@standrewscalgary.ca Please provide your children’s names and ages in the email. The fall dates will be Oct. 3 & 17, Nov. 7 & 21 and Dec. 5 & 19. |
Our thanks for a Family Fun Day with Butterfield Acres’ little critters, a scavenger hunt, goody bags, and lots of laughter and community building for all ages!Thanks to the Faith Formation Team, particularly organizers extraordinaire Inge Murry, Lorna Andronikou and Rhonda Wishart - and Fiona Swanson for her community outreach For more infomation visit:
An invitation from our Director of Music Ministries, Evan Mounce
As we regather our Music Ministry it is the perfect time to bring new people into this family! Perhaps singing classic carols with full organ accompaniment in a Cathedral might sound like fun? Maybe you play an instrument and would be open to sharing your music for a special occasion? Perhaps you would like to try ringing some handbells? Please reach out! I’d love to hear more about your music making and get you involved in the Music Ministry at St. Andrew's. I look forward to hearing from you. Please send me an email at emounce@standrewscalgary.ca |
Please remember the Lomheim family in your prayers.
Sympathy is extended to Clarence and Pat Lomheim on the passing of Clarence’s sister-in-law on September 15th in Wainwright, AB, and the passing of Clarence’s brother on December 10th. A memorial of life service was held September 19th for both of them. Please remember Clarence, Pat, David, Deanne and their families in your prayers. As noted in the August 25th StAC LinX, Shirley Davidson passed away on Saturday, August 21st. The family have decided to have her Celebration of Life service on Friday, September 24, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at McInnis & Holloway (Park Memorial, 5008 Elbow Drive SW, Calgary, AB). For more infomation visit: https://www.tributearchive.com/obituaries/22219782/shirley-isabella-davidson
You know you always wanted to be a cameraman/woman!!
The AV Team needs your help to livestream the Sunday morning service. You will work under the direction of the AV Coordinator, David Kurtz, managing the camera to change angles during the service to focus on each worship element. |
The Wider Community
When we put our gifts in God's hands, God does remarkable things! Read on to see what your gift is accomplishing.Presbyterians Sharing Sunday, September 26, 2021 When we give to Presbyterians Sharing, we participate in God’s mission together, expressing our faith through our actions and decisions. The material contained In the brochure and video below will help you celebrate the life-changing mission and ministry you support through your gifts to Presbyterians Sharing... It includes a breakdown showing how a $100 gift makes a difference. 2021 Presbyterians Sharing Brochure For more infomation visit: