Sunday, Dec 11, 2022 -God's Joyful HighwayRev. Geoffrey Simmins Imagine seeing a highway sign saying, “this way to joy and gladness.” That is what God promises us: to provide a straight path, a highway, leading directly to God. Let’s set out on that highway with confidence and happy spirits, knowing that when we do, God will come and meet us on the road.
RefleXions by Rev. Peter about what God hopes will take place in us as a result of Christ's IncarnationIf you get a commercial, click back and then forward again For more infomation visit:
Our Work Continues
Weekly Meetings & Worship: Dec 11 - Dec 18
We are grateful to the Facilities Team members who worked so hard to assemble and erect the Nativity, Angels, and lighting on the front lawn of our Church last Saturday. On behalf of the congregation, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to Alfred MacRae, Brad Chalmers, Brent Werle, Don Koch, Flemming Nielsen, Mark Rowe, and Sean Pepper. |
Hey everyone, just a reminder that there will be NO youth group this week as Matt and Lauren are away, but we’re really, really, REALLY excited for our Christmas party which will be on December 16! We will send out more info about the party later, but be prepared for full Christmas festivities. Let your friends know that they are more than welcome to join in on the fun! For more infomation visit:
Sunday, Dec 18th you are invited to enjoy a piece of loaf, cheese, and a coffee for a new ministry called “Music and the Word” in the KE Lounge following Sunday morning worship. Watch videos of the Gaithers (and others) and listen to classic hymns we know and love, along with Scripture passages that reinforce the message of the songs. Everyone is welcome!~ John Steele and Garry Hennan For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/events/music-and-the-word/2022-12-18
Member Ballots to be submitted by SUNDAY
The election period will run from Sunday 27 November until Sunday 11 December. Ballots will be available in the foyer and Karl English Lounge on Sundays and in the office mid-week. The instructions for voting are included on the ballot. The ballot is also available at the LINK BELOW and can be sent in either by regular mail or email. The instructions for this option are on the online ballot. Our website at the LINK BELOW also has bios and photos of our 7 nominees. All the bios may not be up at the time you read this email, but they will in the next few days. You are reminded that only official members can vote. Please take time to give prayerful consideration for who should be a part of our congregation’s leadership. For more infomation visit: https://www.standrewscalgary.ca/life-and-vision/session/pages/members-of-session
All is Calm, All is Bright ~ Advent Music ConcertSupport St. Andrew’s Choir and Celebrate Advent at the ‘All is Calm, All is Bright’ Advent Music Concert Time and Date: Saturday, December 10 at 7:00 p.m. For more infomation visit:
Soon, Miss Fanny Bright was seated by my SIDE
The SIDE BY SIDE leaders are looking for a copy of the READER’S DIGEST MERRY CHRISTMAS SONGBOOK (Copyright 1981) that you no longer use and might gift to them. Side by Side participants would like to include ‘Miss Fanny Bright and Jingle Bells’ in their Christmas repertoire ~ along with other beloved Christmas songs. Please contact Judie Coleman at judieco@yahoo.ca or Alice Post if you can provide them with this music book. |
Click on the links below:
Bible Study "Simply Jesus" – Sundays at 11:15 am - CLICK HERE |
The Wider Community
The Mitten Tree Returns
A Mitten Tree will be available at the church to receive your donations of cold weather clothing items - eg toques, gloves, mittens, scarves, socks - of all sizes for men, women and children, from now until December 18. We are aware of seemingly never-ending needs for such items for people seeking shelter at various locations such as Mustard Seed, Drop-In Centre, YW Women's shelter, Sheriff King Home, CUPS. A team of volunteers will be sure to get your donations in the hands of those who need them. |
Christmas giving wish for Claire House residentsPlease help us reach our total gift target of $2600 Christmas gift giving at Claire House has evolved over the years. Last year the congregation of St Andrew's gave $3200 that we put into 64 X $50 gift cards, one for each of 41 households (a mix of families, singles and seniors), plus a $50 gift card for each of 23 children. This year we understand that most of the families with younger children will be adopted for gift giving through other agencies. Even so, it is likely that there will be a family or two that gets over-looked, plus there is at least one family with older children that won't qualify, plus a host of singles, seniors, and even families, that could use some added Christmas cheer. Our Christmas giving wish for Claire this year is for a target of $2600 to help brighten each household and have a little extra for any of the children that may miss out on other adopt-a-family options. Your designated donations of any amount through the church office all add up. We will turn the donations into gift cards that the residents can use for their own gift giving, or even for some added festive food items. Please designate your donation for 'Claire House'. Donations will be accepted from now through Dec 18. |
Interactive Advent #3 ActivityClick skip ads if they come up on a YouTube video