Sunday, October 9, 2022 - “Who is your Lois, Eunice and Ruth?”Rev. Peter We will focus on gratitude for our families and the people of faith who have gone before us.
RefleXions by Rev. Geoffrey on how Paul "passes the torch" to Timothy with 3 messagesIf you get a commercial, click back and then forward again For more infomation visit:
Our Work Continues
Weekly Meetings & Worship: Oct 9 - 16
We’re asking our church school children what qualities they want to see in our new minister. What qualities do YOU want to see?
We are asking our church school children to let us know what qualities they would like to see in a new Minister at St. Andrew’s - we would love to hear from YOU as well! You will find a worksheet by clicking on MORE INFORMATION below. If you feel called to provide us with feedback, please take a few moments of your day - we would love to hear from as much of the congregation as possible..
Coffee… I need COFFEE
We have been hearing rumours that some of you are REALLY wanting a coffee following our 10:00 am worship service so you can enjoy some connecting time with your ‘pew buddies’. We would be happy to provide the coffee supplies - now we just need a few people to volunteer to be ‘Coffee Captains’ and be responsible for having the coffee ready and waiting at 11:00 am. If you would be interested in helping out in this way, please contact the church office at 403-255-0001, or by email at office@standrewscalgary.ca. |
We’d like to help you de-clutter!!
If anyone has a laptop they no longer need that can run 5.0 G wi-fi speed, please contact the church office at 403-255-0001 or office@standrewscalgary.ca. We would be most grateful! |
Are you interested in receiving Encounter with God or Daily Bread?Get a Bible Reading Guide for a full year for $40. Contact Maureen Flack at (403) 271-7345 if you are interested For more infomation visit:
Grateful, Thankful, Blessed!StAC LinX is component #4 of our various methods for spreading the Word through Social Media. Last week, our subscriptions to the weekly StAC LinX Email reached their peak of over 250! This is because members of the congregation and our ministers are reaching out to our friends to ensure they are connected to what is going on through the StAC LinX Email service. Please tell your friends that all they need to do to get it is to go to our website, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter their email address in the "Sign Up" location. |
by clicking on the links below:
Bible Study "Simply Jesus" – Sundays at 11:15 am - CLICK HERE |
The Wider Community
Do you have DVD’s you no longer watch?
Our neighbours at Claire House would love to have any children/youth/adult DVD’s for their ‘community space’ where they gather for, well… Community! If you have DVD’s you/yours no longer watch, please bring them to the church ~ the office staff is happy to get them to the ‘Claire House Team’. |
Do you want to provide assistance to our neighbours on the East Coast who have been affected by Hurricane Fiona?Donate before October 23 We have researched to find the best option for those wanting to make a donation, and at this time, the federal government of Canada will match donations received by the CANADIAN RED CROSS FOR HURRICANE FIONA.