Connect with Care Ministry

Care Connectors (formerly known as District Visitors) are faithful members of St. Andrew’s who nurture communication and connection within our faith community.  This important ministry involves the Care Connector contacting their designated families at least four times a year through personal visits, phone calls or emails.  This sharing and connection helps to ensure that no one feels anonymous, and that those who are associated with St. Andrew’s and its worshipping community feel known and appreciated.

For more information, contact the office.

View our brochure

Hospital Ministry

When someone is sick, a visit from a caring person of faith can make all the difference.  When faced with treatment options, family responsibilities, and day-to-day struggles – a few minutes of prayer and encouragement is how we can grow together in our relationship with God and each other. Our lay hospital visitors are specially trained for this service and calling.

If someone is known to be in hospital one of our ministers will visit if requested.

Two's Company

Two's Company, a ministry for our homebound, is made up of volunteers who visit or call persons in care facilities or in their homes at least four times a year to comfort, listen or give support in whatever form it takes. Our visitors provide a bright spot in someone’s day by offering the gift of connection and by building relationships through a social visit. This is another way for our homebound family to continue growing together alongside the St. Andrew’s community.
If requested, our visitors will arrange Holy Communion to be served in a person's living space. 
Plates of goodies are distributed at Christmas.

For more information about Two's Company, contact Judy McVittie

View our Brochure