Whether you are new to church or are looking for another place to call home, St. Andrew's is glad to have you!
We know that exploring a new church or trying to find a church for the very first time can be a daunting experience. But we truly believe that God will use your time with us to help mold and shape you. We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at St. Andrew's a great one!
Our worship service takes place at
10:00 am every Sunday
ONLINE (Click Here)
Watch Our Welcome Video
What Can I Expect When I Come?
People come to St. Andrew's from all kinds of backgrounds, countries and ethnicities. It's not uncommon to see someone wearing a suit and tie sitting next to someone in jeans or traditional African dress. Wear a mask or not -- that is your choice and that is OK. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. You are welcome to sit anywhere you would like. The Sunday service commences at 10 AM and lasts roughly an hour. It is mostly traditional in style with contemporary elements, all with a somewhat informal feel. We are not stuffy. A nursery is available for the very young and church school for older children each week.
We no longer hand out printed worship orders and such—everything we need is projected on the screen at the front of the sanctuary. If you are the kind of person who likes to use the music score when singing, it can be found in the navy-blue "Book of Praise" in the pews. There are also Bibles in each pew, along with red books which contain the Psalms.
Children are welcome in the service, and most go down to church school after their part in the worship service. Our ministers work at presenting thoughtful sermons with relevance for life today. And those sermons aren’t long: about 22 minutes (in case you were wondering).
Since the lifting of COVID restrictions congregants gather after the service for conversation, tea and coffee, in the foyer and the lounge. Feel free to join us so we can get to know you, and you us!