St. Andrew's is a congregation that takes "love your neighbour" seriously... and intends to take it even more seriously! In the spring and summer of 2022 we reflected deeply on two questions: "What can St. Andrew's get its heart behind?" and "Who is our neigbour?" We learned that the congregation wants to focus its efforts on our two most immediate neighbourhoods: Kingsland and Haysboro. We also came up with 8 needs we can feel motivated to assist with.
Since then we have been building relationships with people who contribute to the well-being of these two neighbourhoods: the city social worker, non-profit agencies, a Roman Catholic School, Community Associations, and the neighbourhood congregations. This is helping us learn about the neighbourhood needs and how we might collaborate in community building with our neighbours. Today we are exploring two areas where we might become more "woven into the neighbourhood":
The EDGE - An After School Drop In Time
Wednesdays, 3:30 to 5:00, starting on September 20th, 2023, for students age 12 to 16 years old. Get more information here.
To further understand why we are evolving this way as a congregation, you can view a three-part online worshop called "What? So What? Now What?"