Our Prayer Shawl Ministry has grown out of the desire to combine the healing power of prayer with the healing ministry of human touch. Imagine that you are lonely, grieving or ill, or perhaps leaving home for the first time, or celebrating the birth of a child and what a blessing it would be to receive a soft, warm and comforting shawl that was created with the love and prayers of your church family. Over the centuries, shawls have come to symbolize shelter, peace and spiritual sustenance. Members of Mission Matters have lovingly donated their time and talents by creating hand-knit and crocheted shawls, filled with the power of prayer, for those in need.

How is a prayer shawl made? The shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient of the shawl being made and the recipients of all the shawls. The prayers are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. The experience has been described by many as a very moving and powerful experience with both the giver and receiver feeling encircled by the love of a sheltering, mothering God!

Our Prayer Shawls and Lap Rugs are a symbol of an inclusive and unconditionally loving God. Please contact Shelby Cole if you know of someone who could use a prayer shawl or lap rug.

For more information about our Prayer Shawl ministry please contact Shelby Cole.