End of Life Planning is important and we offer two downloadable documents to get you started. Paper copies should be kept in a safe place or you can store your completed documents on a memory stick. Please let your next-of-kin know where they are located or give them a copy.
Are You Ready?
This document focuses on what your family should know when you’re not here to tell them. It is important to get your personal affairs in order. This process is important for everyone, but even more important for those who often find themselves living away from family and friends. Throughout your life, you have tried to protect your loved ones and now you have a chance to help them at a time when they will need that help the most. Taking the time to plan now and record information for your loved ones will be the most unselfish gifts of love you can give.
Pre-planning for Your Own Funeral
Communicating clearly what we want for our funeral is perhaps the last gift we can offer to friends and family. The Funeral Guidance document helps people make choices about their own funerals. Do you have favourite hymns or scriptures? This is the place to communicate this information. What kind of funeral service do you want to have? We have a safe place at the church where you can keep a copy of your funeral wishes so that any future minister will be able to know what you would like for your service.
Have you got a Green Sleeve?
Planning for your future healthcare decisions is important. By thinking about your preferences now and letting others know, you make it easier for your loved ones and healthcare providers, especially during tough times. A Green Sleeve or a similar document can be helpful, detailing your medical wishes, end-of-life care, and other key information. Members of the public can order up to two Green Sleeves for delivery to their home at no cost. Here are step-by-step ordering instructions on how to order a Green Sleeve; the username and password for the public ordering account are both “Greensleeves” (case sensitive).