January 19, 2025 - How are we like Water transformed into Wine?Rev. Laurie McKay Is there a difference between a talent and spiritual gift? This week we ordain Lorna Andronikou, Deanne Barrett, and David Townsend and admit Bill Judd (already ordained) to the session (what we call the leadership team) of St. Andrew’s. Come and experience the gifting of the Spirit on those that have been elected.
Rev. Geoffrey Simmins & The Life after Loss Team encourage us to reflect on a Tapestry of our Lives
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Our Worship & Work Continues
Worship, Church School and Special Studies/Events: Jan 19 - 26
They’re magic!!!!
Thanks once again to our Facilities Team for their efforts in helping St. Andrew’s ‘shine’ ~ as they set up, and now took down, our Angels on the lawn that helped us celebrate the Christmas season with those in our neighbourhood. To those of us who drive by, our angels ‘just appear’, but although it may seem like magic, we know the Facilities Team worked hard to put them up - and take them down. |
Join us on Sunday, January 26th for a warm and casual gathering to welcome our new(er) friends to our congregation!
This is geared towards our newer families and people, and we're also inviting our care connectors and our elders. |
Looking for a volunteer opportunity to help children with food insecurity?
The Ladies Guild, in partnership with Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids (BB4CK), sponsors a Community Group which meets each Wednesday morning at 9:00 am in the main kitchen. The group prepares and delivers lunches for elementary & junior high students who are at risk of food insecurity, and follows the Catholic School District calendar. |
Clothing Drive sponsored by the Men's Group
Our Men’s group is spearheading a clothing drive for the Aboriginal Friendship Centre for the period Feb 1 - March 1. Here is a list of items that are in need - have a look in your closet and see if you have items that you are ready to donate to someone in need: |
Hello St. Andrews! Eaten too many goodies over Christmas and feeling like you need some exercise? We have the solution – join members of the Wellness team for a weekly mall walk. Starting Tuesday February 4, 2025 – Tuesday March 25 at 9.30 am South Centre Mall. |
Would you like to share your knitting expertise?
Claire House is looking for anyone who would be interested in working with some of the residents at Claire House on a knitting program. Nothing has been organized as yet, but it is hoped that a group could be formed. Please contact Pat Tritter if you feel you could help (duanepat@icloud.com or 403-271-6876). Thank you! |
Are you interested in Baptism or Membership with St. Andrew's?
Please contact the office (403.255.0001 or office@standrewscalgary.ca) or Rev. Laurie if you are interested. Depending on people's availability, an inquiry class will be offered in February or March. |
Serving in hospitality ministry
Jan 19th: 10:00 am |
Click on the links below:
Brown Bagging 4 Calgary's Kids - CLICK HERE |
Caregivers Seminar ~ ALL ARE WELCOME!!Saturday, Feb 8 ~ 9:30 – 12:00, followed by lunch ~ Trinity Hall Assuming responsibility for the care of another person is one of the most common characteristics of the sandwich generation. If you care for someone in your family (“care” meaning everything from helping with physical care to helping with financial decisions and/or property, to emotional support), or if you know of a friend in the same boat, an upcoming seminar at the church is tailor-made for you. St. Andrew’s will be hosting a Caregivers Seminar, presented by Caregivers Alberta. The speaker is Karen Cuthbertson, MSc, Manager, Support Services. The focus will be: Please register by Jan 30 |
Have you noticed the rainbow stickers on the doors and windows?
The stickers and matching buttons are part of our effort to publicly, intentionally, and explicitly welcome LGBTIQ2S+ persons to full participation in the life of our community. For more infomation visit:
Wouldn’t we ALL enjoy a little more HARMONY in our lives?
Did you know that February 1-9 is ‘United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week?’ There are MANY opportunities to join in on varied activities and events being planned right here in Calgary, some in-person and some online: Drumming, music, children’s choir, prayers and scripture from world religions, Interfaith potluck, Interfaith engagement and reconciliation, Anti-racism through the lens of faith, studying world religions… all this and MORE! For more infomation visit: https://mailchi.mp/4799d77c4117/from-strangers-to-neighbours-whats-up-at-cic-18092770?e=947a7f6586