Facilities Team – Seeking New Convenor and Vice-Convenor
Don Koch, Convenor of the Facilities Team has blessed St. Andrew’s with his leadership of the Team for a number of years and, as a congregation, we owe him much gratitude for his tireless work on our behalf. Thank you, Don!
Unfortunately, Don will be retiring from this position shortly. The Convenor’s role and responsibilities have now been divided into a shared role by a Convenor and a Vice-Convenor, as described in more detail below, and St. Andrew’s seeks to fill both roles.
In general, the Facilities Team is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of our church building and surrounding property. It is a well-established Team with at least 8 regular members. The responsibilities of the Team include development of an annual capital plan to budget for scheduled repairs and improvements. The Facilities Team negotiates contracts with outside contractors for building maintenance, yard maintenance, snow removal, waste and recycling pickup, and utilities. The Team also manages use of space agreements with groups and individuals who meet in our building.
Convenor responsibilities:
- Team management and reporting,
- Chair of Team meetings,
- Prepares reports for Session and the Finance Team,
- Recipient of calls from the church office reporting any maintenance issues, and
- Establishes maintenance and repair priorities.
Vice-Convener Responsibilities:
- Manages contracts with contractors for waste, recycling and organic disposal, electricity and gas, summer yard maintenance, winter snow removal and janitorial (if applicable),
- Manages agreements with external groups using the church building (Noteables, Calgary Women's Chorus, Cubs & Scouts, CODA, Coptic Church and one-time users) and update of user rates,
- Responsible for contacting volunteers, as required, and
- Day-to-day liaison with Custodian & Facility Coordinator.
If you are interested or know someone who might be interested in either position, please
contact Rhonda Wishart of the ELT mailto:Rhonda.wishart@icloud.com or Don Koch of Facilities,
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