We encourage everyone in the congregation to consider using the PAR program for regular givings. Not only does this give the church a stable funding base but it reduces bank charges and makes regular giving much easier. Forms to start or change PAR donations are always available in the Church Office or at the Welcome Desk. The form to start or change giving via the PAR program can also be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
It can be printed, filled in by hand and signed. The completed form should be returned to the Church Office or Welcome Desk, attention Treasurer. Alternatilvely, the signed form can be scanned and forwarded to the treasurer at treasurer@standrewscalgary.ca If you wish, you may place the form in an envelope marked “confidential”. For those already on PAR, please remember our Ministry and Mission costs are constantly going up. You are encouraged to prayerfully consider ensuring your PAR donation reflects this, as it is very important for the church and its programs. The deadline for getting a change request to the office is the 7th day of the month in order for that change to take effect the 20th day of the month.
Thanks in advance for your generousity!
With an additional 10 - 15% increase in your donation in 2021, we can raise the bar in every category. Each one of us can pay it forward by making a significant investment today to live into our new vision of GROWING. LIFE. TOGETHER. WITH GOD. What we do today will have a big impact on those who come after us, just as those who came before us paid it forward to allow us to enjoy flourishing life at St. Andrew’s today. If each of us individually can raise the bar a little, then together we can raise it so much higher!