The Choir is at the heart of music making at St. Andrews. This family of devoted singers meet every Thursday night at 7:00pm in Trinity Hall and sing most Sundays. This group has a short rehearsal on Sunday mornings beginning at 8:45am sharp in the sanctuary. The choir sings a broad range of music and in addition to leading the congregational singing, sings an anthem during the Musical Offering as well a occasional introits, benedictions, and choral responses.
Regular Thursday night rehearsals with the choir are enhanced and augmented with special seasonal Workshops, most often on a Saturday morning and afternoon leading up to Advent/Christmas and Easter. The choir has a couple of exciting projects this season including a special Lessons and Carols Service as part of the ProArts Recital Series, and Jazz Vespers: A Service of Light and Love.
If you are interested in joining the music ministry please send Evan a message at
Yours in music,
Evan Mounce, Director of Music Ministries