The goal of the Fellowship and Engagement team is to foster a welcoming environment for visitors to St. Andrew’s and to provide opportunities for increased fellowship within our church family. Our team grew out of two earlier Session teams --- Congregational Life and Invitation and Welcome --- which merged several years ago.
In years past, our Fellowship events have included everything from pick-up ball hockey in the parking lot to movie nights, bowling outings and annual themed potluck suppers. Everyone looks forward to the Stampede Breakfast in July, where we serve pancakes and sausages to a perennially large crowd.
All this ended, of course, with the onset of the pandemic. With the lifting of COVID restrictions, people are cautiously and slowly returning to church activities. Fellowship activities will be returning in the coming months.
If you would like to know more about our worship services or church groups or would like to arrange to meet with any of our staff, please contact the church office at