My faith journey has wound thru many denominations and churches, but my home since 1994 has been St. Andrew’s.
In 2004 I became the church treasurer and gradually added more office responsibilities over a few years.
I am so thankful for my position here as it allows me to fulfill two of my passions – serving others and numbers.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in business so I am happy to be using my education and skills in God’s kingdom.
I am married to Brent and we have two amazing children, and one super amazing grandchild.
My altar-ego works at Red Lobster and a highlight of my job there is running into the many St. Andrew’s people
who share my love of seafood.
I love to travel and experience different cultures. I have been blessed on my journeys, by the hospitality of others, especially those who would appear to have less than I did. It taught me a great deal about being satisfied and thankful with what God has provided – and that sharing is always appropriate.
I am a Saskatchewan transplant and even though I have now lived longer in Alberta than Saskatchewan
I will always be a prairie girl but I will never tire of seeing the majesty of God in our beautiful Alberta
Mon to Fri 9AM - 4PM