Story Alive: Bible Buddies @ 9am – Starts Sunday Oct. 3
The Faith Formation Team is delighted to announce fall church school on Zoom that will commence on Sunday, Oct. 3 at 9 a.m. and will run on the first and third Sundays of the month through the fall. While not nearly the same as in-person church school, safety comes first, and we see this as the best option in the circumstances. Unlike simply watching a lesson online, church school on Zoom will enable the children to more personally interact with their friends and leaders. We contemplate a half hour together. We will start the half hour with all the children coming together briefly for greeting and will then facilitate breaking into two groups (loosely) based on age – children from age 3 up to Grade 2 in one group; and Grades 3-7 in another - for the story/video/discussion time.
We would request that parents register in advance for each of the Sundays, so the leaders know how many and which children to expect.
Please register children the week before each Sunday Church School zoom, by sending an email to the church office at: Please provide your children’s names and ages in the email.
The fall dates will be Oct. 3 & 17, Nov. 7 & 21 and Dec. 5 & 19.