Sunday, Dec 18th you are invited to enjoy a piece of loaf, cheese, and a coffee for a new ministry called “Music and the Word” in the KE Lounge following Sunday morning worship. Watch videos of the Gaithers (and others) and listen to classic hymns we know and love, along with Scripture passages that reinforce the message of the songs.
The ‘Music’ part could be described simply as Southern Gospel, this is its style, but it is much, much more than that. Most of what you will hear and watch will either be the original work of Bill and Gloria Gaither, or else classic hymns we all know and love. The video selections we want to share with you throughout the series reflect performances by very gifted and Godly individuals singing in four-part harmony, all of which are exceptionally well done and bound to enhance the spoken Word as only music can. I have found them all inspirational – and so will you. The high caliber of music production in conjunction with our gathering together in this place of worship to delight in it can only magnify the sense of God’s presence amongst us. I believe this program will bless your heart.
The ‘Word’ part comprises passages chosen and read directly from Scripture, words that every single one of us should know and take to heart. In this regard, the vast majority of the passages chosen will be those familiar and greatly- loved passages which speak to all of us. These will, in turn, be blended with and augmented by the lyrics of selected songs/hymns, along with introductory narrative.
Everyone is welcome! ~ John Steele and Garry Hennan