"The animals of God's creation inhabit the skies, the earth and the sea. and have a part in human life. We, therefore, invoke God's blessing on these animals. over all the creatures of the earth.” (Francis of Assisi)
Many churches offer services that bless our animal friends. We wanted to do something similar this year here at St. Andrew’s Calgary.
- When: October 3, 2021, at 2:00 pm
- Where: Outside on church grounds – 703 Heritage Drive SW (inside downstairs if weather requires it)
- Who: All people and their animal friends!
- What: Each animal will receive a blessing and best wishes, along with a treat! If you don’t feel comfortable bringing your animal, we can also bless photographs. (So we will be able to bless animals who are no longer with us.)
- Why: To give thanks for creation, and to give thanks for the many ways that our animal friends give meaning and joy to our lives.
Treats donated and put together by Sibbie Borden.
Bring your pet and your pet’s best friend—and invite your neighbour and pets to join in the blessing!