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On Monday, Sep 30th at 9:30 am this year’s Moderator of the PCC, Rev. Dr. Patricia Dutcher-Walls will share a morning with us here at St. Andrew’s, challenging us to think about:   How might we take inspiration from our biblical traditions to help discern possibilities for our future?  Register by Monday, September 23 to join in this important discussion!!

This workshop is designed to complement the project undertaken this year by the Assembly
Council through its Working Group on Narratives of Hope and Possibility. The Working Group
has been tasked to consider narratives of hope and possibility to help the church imagine,
learn and act upon narratives that could lead to renewal, transformation and vitality for
congregations, courts and agencies of the church. However, the task of considering narratives
of hope and possibility is not just the responsibility of the Working Group, but rather an
encouragement to all of us to participate - thus this workshop.
Join us for this FREE Workshop – EVERYONE is welcome!!
• St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church – 703 Heritage Drive SW
• 9:30 – 12:30 pm (Workshop in Trinity Hall)
• 12:30 – 1:00 pm (Lunch in Trinity Hall)