Let’s Plunge In!
The Mission Team is pleased to host Rev. Dr. Tim Dickau, St. Andrew’s Hall, for a congregation-wide workshop.
When: Saturday, April 30, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: Trinity Hall, St. Andrew’s Church OR by Zoom
Why: To consider the exciting future God has planned for St. Andrew’s
Rev. Dr. Dickau is a dynamic and motivating leader, who will “stir us up” as we discern what God has in store for us at St. Andrew’s.
Register (you and any others attending with you) through this Eventbrite link:
IF ATTENDING BY ZOOM: On the morning of the workshop, please click on this link:
ID: 882 8635 7935
Passcode: 937248
Participants are encouraged to read chapters 2, 3 and 5 of Plunging Into the Kingdom Way in advance of the workshop. Copies are available in the church foyer or can be forwarded to you electronically by sending an email request to: office@standrewscalgary.ca
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS for participants to give thought to before the workshop:
See you there!